Monday, April 22, 2013

Uncertain Investment of my TIME

Me and Anup, we both had been working on this Health Care website and there has been a lot of changes in it since the time we started working on it. The database design has been changed two times and the look and feel of the websites has been changed vastly. We have been giving our asses to this project and working from three months. Data are about to come and then we have to feed it to the website and soon the website is going to live in this month (it is April 2013). Man we have been working out ass out and I should really appreciate Anup as because he was the man who worked really hard and most of the credit goes to him. We both are working on two projects sequentially and giving our days and nights to it, not the night we do sleep ;-) . Now the thing which I want to say is that though we are working so hard but we have not been rewarded for any of these neither verbally nor in money terms. Frankly speaking I am loosing my faith from this Hospital Care website. I really don't know that whether it is really going to earn money or not. Whether people are going to come and visit our website or not I really don't know. What if we don't get any return and the whole project get demised  I will really feel bad about it and loose a bit of my heart.

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