Saturday, July 1, 2017

Starting-up and learning on ideation phase

Even 1 new registration fills so much of encouragement in me. When I open the form link to check how many has been registered yet, if the number remains the same as the last one then it really hurts some where, but if the number rises, then the encouragement and excitement gets multiplied with the increased number count.

Now this is dealing with a venture, when you start something there is a huge anxiety which we have and that thing spikes when there is a positive thing happening in the process. Now what to do when there isn't any positive happening and more drastically if there is a negative happening, then how you are going to deal with the your mind and fight with your anxiety.

First stop the thought because they are not going to help you anyway - meditate or best do a yoga.
Second instead of thinking useless thoughts, you need to brainstorm, now if you choose to do that in your mind box then it is of no use. Brainstorming should be in reality, not abstract. Take out a pen and paper, or white board and marker, start with writing there. Use colors (different color pens or markers), sticky notes like stuff. Don't represent your idea in a black and white fashion.

This brainstorming will help you think through the hurdles and sketch out what you may do next, hence in a separate paper list to-dos out of it.
Now, finding out how much time will it require to complete it. This is called effort estimation.
Last part, sequencing - until and unless you don't sequence it, how will you know what to do first and then after. You will be directionless.

Will soon post some image to this showing sample on how brainstorming looks like.. ;-)

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Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...