Monday, April 22, 2013

Distributed Lives

As early in the morning I was talking about human trafficking (I mean where most of the human's attentions are taking place) is happening, that is the exact place to earn the profits, for an example the Facebook. Few days back from today I observed something happening on the Facebook, the incident was something like this, there was a photo of a cute baby girl which was really very sweet, it was uploaded 8 seconds ago and within that fraction of seconds the photo has acquired 46 numbers of likes. It was unbelieveable for me that how such type of trafiic can be generated but it is the reality, people are moving towards online, most of the people are getting online and thus facebook has such a numbers of active users. This trafficking of human being on internet is making the internet one of the valeable element of our life.

How facebook is getting so much users? Right now I am in a flat where college students live and most of the time they are free as because they know studying can be done one day before the exam and actually we all now follow this rule only, hence we get a lot of time during semesters. This whole amount of time need to be passed anyhow. Facebook is one of the free option to them.

Now every one is trying to create a website so that the 225 billion dollar money which has been earned by Bill Gates can be earn by other peoples too. It was his age where software were very important thats why Microsoft the company who use to make softwares and people use to buy them. Now this softwares Microsoft a multi billionair, as because till now the most important thing in the world of technology was the softwares but now as we all know the technology is seeing an advancement which is Cloud Computing is the most vital newly emerging trend which is replacing the softwares very rapidly. The whole market depend on this technology, take PAAS, SAAS, AAAS. If an enterprise is taking the help of any of these technologies then they are surely going to earn millions sometimes billions.
We have to calculate that how much users are going to use an application which is running on the cloud. If it is on the internet that means any one can use it, every people on this planet can use it, though the population of the earth is 7 billion but all of them are not connected to internet, taking Facebook as an example there are 1 billion active users in it, hence they all can access the internet. We are now talking about the market where 1 billion people are actively paying attention. Who needs all of them. If a page is getting 1 million hits per day that means there is really something on that page.

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Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...