Thursday, August 31, 2017

Welcoming 2015 with a Sunrise

We slept at nearly 2 o' clock in the morning after walking through a mile. It was 1st Jan 2015.

All of us went to the beach that midnight, to see the fire crackers and the joy of new year. The sparkling of fire crackers, for 10 minutes we looked up in the sky. We all were really enjoying the moment. It was nice and fun.

Then we returned to our hotels, it was late around 1:30 AM. Sitting on our bed, me, Anup and Ankit decided to watch the Sunrise. I really wanted to, as it inspires me. The soft red color Sun, rising from the horizon and reflecting through water, which later will glow so brightly that it's hard to look at.
It says, you can be weak or posses less skills and quality now; but that doesn't mean you will be like this all the while. Try and give time to yourself, practice, persevere and be patient, you will reach where and what you are determined of. This view fills up energy in me to grow and glow. That's why I really wanted to go to see the Sunrise.

Darsh and Binay were tired and they didn't want to go. We decided, we will try to wake them up, if they don't then don't, but we three will go. :-)

Slept at 2 might be, I don't remember that whether we actually slept or not, but at 4 AM, we woke up, tired and went to the beach.

August 4 2015

I hear my senior executives talking to people in English and have a very good conversation with them, like for an example by the end of the conversation they mention that how it was good to have you on the call/conversation, this clearly reflects the quality of conversation and creates a bonding between them professionally.

Am I not enjoying the work at this moment or I am getting weak in coding? I don't like to code in any language any more. I just like to think about the logic, design the system and write the SQL queries.

I am still dangling with the thought that what is better for me? The technical part which I am finding I am not good at or the one which is more managerial stuff. I am not good in english and communication hence I can't go in front to the clients or our customers because I may lower the quality of the organization, I am not a perfect professional with the quality of the professionalism.

My problem: Conversation and Communication in English. Here is where I lack. I need to make myself good at this one.
I will work on it.

Integrating linkedin is really taking me time. Have I became lazy?
No I wasn't lazy, I was not clear what to do exactly. After discussing it with my colleague, now I know what to do and how?

I was able to achieve something today i.e. to display the authorization box to the user.
But today was not so productive too. After the lunch I took a break to play an addictive game, then worked something related to CRY, then browsed through social media. In this way I spent 3 hours of my time and did almost nothing kind of.

Sales call

August 9th post:

Today I called all the students who have registered themselves for the platform, ReCoin Lab. Some were excited, some where okay and some where like I don't know who you are!

Sometimes it was embarrassing to talk to some as they were least interested in the conversation, there was this guy who showed interest first then he told if I can call him up after sometime, then after 2 hours when I called him; he simply disconnected the call.

These are called sales call, you are not going to make all of them, turn into a success sale. Somewhere you need to keep trying and pushing to make your initial sales. Yes I know these are not the part which you have ever done and are comfortable to do. It's okay, you can take this as your practical MBA course. If you fail, you may fail but you need to come up with strategies and build those around them.

I need to make a lot of sales call I guess in upcoming months and keep trying to get all those call towards affirmative directions. Sales call are the most tough part in the business until and unless you create a value which is really required and there is demand for it.
Yes I need to focus more on the product which I am trying to build and keep improving the quality of it.

Marketing will automatically happen when there is a quality and once I have a brand value, most of the marketing channel targets will convert to successful sales as well.

Next day edits (June 26th): Some of the students were asking if this is an online platform!

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...