Thursday, August 31, 2017

Welcoming 2015 with a Sunrise

We slept at nearly 2 o' clock in the morning after walking through a mile. It was 1st Jan 2015.

All of us went to the beach that midnight, to see the fire crackers and the joy of new year. The sparkling of fire crackers, for 10 minutes we looked up in the sky. We all were really enjoying the moment. It was nice and fun.

Then we returned to our hotels, it was late around 1:30 AM. Sitting on our bed, me, Anup and Ankit decided to watch the Sunrise. I really wanted to, as it inspires me. The soft red color Sun, rising from the horizon and reflecting through water, which later will glow so brightly that it's hard to look at.
It says, you can be weak or posses less skills and quality now; but that doesn't mean you will be like this all the while. Try and give time to yourself, practice, persevere and be patient, you will reach where and what you are determined of. This view fills up energy in me to grow and glow. That's why I really wanted to go to see the Sunrise.

Darsh and Binay were tired and they didn't want to go. We decided, we will try to wake them up, if they don't then don't, but we three will go. :-)

Slept at 2 might be, I don't remember that whether we actually slept or not, but at 4 AM, we woke up, tired and went to the beach.

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