Thursday, August 31, 2017

August 4 2015

I hear my senior executives talking to people in English and have a very good conversation with them, like for an example by the end of the conversation they mention that how it was good to have you on the call/conversation, this clearly reflects the quality of conversation and creates a bonding between them professionally.

Am I not enjoying the work at this moment or I am getting weak in coding? I don't like to code in any language any more. I just like to think about the logic, design the system and write the SQL queries.

I am still dangling with the thought that what is better for me? The technical part which I am finding I am not good at or the one which is more managerial stuff. I am not good in english and communication hence I can't go in front to the clients or our customers because I may lower the quality of the organization, I am not a perfect professional with the quality of the professionalism.

My problem: Conversation and Communication in English. Here is where I lack. I need to make myself good at this one.
I will work on it.

Integrating linkedin is really taking me time. Have I became lazy?
No I wasn't lazy, I was not clear what to do exactly. After discussing it with my colleague, now I know what to do and how?

I was able to achieve something today i.e. to display the authorization box to the user.
But today was not so productive too. After the lunch I took a break to play an addictive game, then worked something related to CRY, then browsed through social media. In this way I spent 3 hours of my time and did almost nothing kind of.

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Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...