Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fear of Cross-Roads

Basically there are two ways (minimum) after any decision we take like which way to choose. 
Prior to all these one has to collate down to a decision which way to choose? 
In doing so one will simply analyze a lot compare the options or situations after taking the decision and then
come to a final decision. Its really hard to decide what to do or what not to.

Cause to all of these above thoughts is just one, we fear to face difficulties. We fear to pass through difficult paths.
We fear from the bad times.
No one want to taste bad moments, and why will any one wish such, if he or she does then Psychology can be blamed ;)

I am doing a job which is hard for me or might be not meant for me, but still cant leave it and start the journey which I dream of, why? because I have a fear that if the other choice will be more bitter and unproductive then? what am I going to do? find a new job or try something else?

What will be there to back me up?

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