Saturday, September 9, 2017

3 years of Lattice's journey

Lattice – a journey

August 28th 2014, everyone in IT department was called in a conference room and the final decision was publically revealed that Soura, Chayan and Sahil are separating out from Glocal! Everyone in IT team was shocked and surprised, I was too. We were dismissed and most of us came down to ground floor where we have casual chitchat. I remember, out of logic, I told to Sahil that where ever you guys are going, I am coming. I was brought-in by Soura, not by Glocal recruitment team; so I don’t have any bondage to be in Glocal once he leaves. All this was illogical, but enthusiasm and energy was sprouting out through words.
Next day Soura offered me with a calculated risk that he has 6 months of salary to give, the 7th month salary will be dependent on the work and effort we will put in these 6 months. Deal closed. It was a counting period, can’t procrastinate, and have to work.
It was scary, but it was exciting; that’s what mattered then. Every colleague around me warned me not to join, but I had already made my mind without any second thought. Though I was scared but had desire to learn.
First day of Lattice – October 13th 2014, I came to Chayan’s house. Soura came in a short while. Our rented office was not furnished yet, but still we all decided to inaugurate it with an agarbatti. Bought tables and other necessary items to start working. Using our mobile hotspot and laptop we sat down to initiate work on it’s very first official day. It was not as glorious as working in a big IT building having a polished looking office area, it was how starting from a scratch looks like and somewhere admirable. No one was scared, even if we were, Soura, Chayan and Sahil were much mature to show it outside, and I have to resonate with them as well, so no option left.

Three years down the line – the 6 month has converted into 3 years now and we came from CK-81 Kolkata to C-25 New Delhi

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