Thursday, September 27, 2012

El Missverstandnis (The Missunderstanding)

From the last few weeks, I have been observing peoples around me that they think different thoughts when I tell them about my dreams n passion and what I am going to do next.

Fundamentally I am talking about my step of creating an enterprise. I know its tough, might be toughest but this is the thought in which I have been living since years. I haven't took any step previously because I was not able for it.

The Misunderstanding which I want to talk about is my own realization, that is in everyone's mind I have discovered that he/she, irrespective of age, basically thinks that if a student is pursuing Engineering then he/she has to sit for the campusing whether he gets a JOB or not.

Is there any such rules or protocols ?
Is something written like this in the mythological book of Engineering ?

I don't know, I might be motivated, I might be inspired, might be I am playing delusional, I might be feeling some sort of gigantic fire in my heart, even I might be persuaded by my entrepreneurship dream.
What's harm if I am and remain motivated, inspired, persuaded through out my entire life ?

I am not playing hardball with myself or with my Logic. I am being very simple.

' In the past, I didn't do what I loved to do..
  but At present, I am simply doing what I am loving to do..
  so that In future, I would be doing what I will love to do..'

Being very specific, I know and I am speaking from my heart that this all thoughts are not the alternative to the campusing, that means I am not running away from campusing.
If that would be the case then my desires of being Entrepreneur won't be a genuine one, at any point of time someone might have or will feel that I am pretending. I am not true. If this would be the real truth then in my this present Life I would never taste the feeling of being a successful Entrepreneur.

Trust me
Believe me

As because you are my close ones, and your trust and your belief on me is like a fuel to my strength.

But at any instant, if you have any other thoughts related to this in your head it would be valuable to me. Please connect your thoughts with mine.

Thanking You. :-)

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