Sunday, September 30, 2012

depreciating fragility

Now when I have discussed my plans and thoughts about my future with more than one person, eventually the varying thoughts seems to sediment down in my head to form a well saturated zone in the cognitive part of my brain.
This happened sub-consciously as because discussing my thoughts with others helped me to figure out the realism of unripe vision which I have in my heart. They really helped me to fill the colors on those drawings of my imagination. Though its not fully colored but at least by now I have got the visualization of it, just because I shared the revolving thoughts of my brain with other brains. It is really good to communicate with your close ones as they will view your thought from their point and there is a negligible chance of probability that he/she would have the same point of view as you have.
Now, I am no more volatile about taking decisions, because they are simply made through our heart, our belief and our perceptional point of view.
Sometimes we may fall, sometimes we may receive hurt, sometimes very bad things may happen to us.. but I only know one thing how much we can take and still keep moving, how much we can suffer, engulf the entire painful night and by the morning recollect ourselves and wake up with the thought that I need to figure out the mistake which I did last night and learn from it. But we should never stop by regretting that no this can't be done by me or I am not capable of it or this isn't for me.
This persisting nature can only be obtained by one self when we all help each other, I am addressing to my close ones. I want to say that we should stop comparing or competing each other rather we should help each other to make us believe in our own self. We should help us not professionally nor personally but mentally. This much will increase the self motivation among each one of us because we are not just we, we are the combination of all of us.
Try to believe in your own self and in all of us too. This will make everyone more productive in their respective life.
This is what I have learn't from all of my close ones. They made me realize the difference between competition and co-learning, made me feel that among these two words which one is more productive and creative.

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Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...