Thursday, October 28, 2021

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activities which gives him good feelings only or exactly pleasure seeking activities, and suprirsingly these activities don't have enough returns in a long term future. Now when I am at a decent age of my life, I can see how people craft themselves, how I have crafted myself in last decades and based on the material that has been added to my body and mind, a lot of the actions are performed sub-conciously.

Here one needs to be very alive on understanding which direction his ship is going because by now we have grown a very large amount of likings (small or big) doesn't matter. From having a likingness to eat cakes and chocolates when we see them to giving for a morning run, all of them comes under the same roof. Thus some likings might give us pleasure where as some might give you pain, but one has to rise above this body level feeling first and see from his intellect that which one gives what in a longer run. If we get up every day and go for a run in the morning, it surely hurts but if one keeps on doing that for a consistent amount of time, it actually helps him build his health in a very good way, but it will take time.

In the same way if we talk about something that is pleasurable ex eating a cake, if we keep on eating the same amount of cake everyday then it does have a diminishing return with respect to the pleasure it gives when one consumes it.

Yes this is what happens if one keep on taking the same amount of cake everyday, it will start getting less tasty after few days; thus the body will ask for more quantity to get the same amount of pleasure. All of this happening in a short term and that too on a body level.
Since we cannot see these graphs in our mind, because it will need to visualize every day's data of how much cake I had or how many days I went for run, that's the reason we cannot get inspired by the goal that needs a long term commitment into it. What we end up for is the short term pleasure (only for that day).

Now the question is how to focus the mind on that graph that builds up everyday instead of only today's quantity of good feeling!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Happiness when you are with yourself

What makes you happy? Are those songs, family members or friends or any other person?
If everything is confined to yourself then, how do you make yourself happy without associating with someone else or without including something else?

My simple answer is the thoughts which I keep.

Recently I realised that everything which is being perceived is actually through the way I think of anything. Whatever I see, I read or learn in my life span, I am gonna color my lens accordingly and see things through that lens.

Realizing this that the song which I use to play in my mind was either negative or complaining about something or someone else. The moment I separate the voice in my head from my own self, I was able to start regulating that voice or atleast start with saying I don't want to listen to this negativity.
Atleast this started making be feel light from my head, reduce the anxiety of dealing with few things.

Later I started realising that our normal state of being is a joyful one, if there is no reason to take stress and feel annoyed then a smile is by default on your face I guess that's when one starts looking at the feelings of ecstasy.

Though this is a starting phase but atleast one is moving towards it. :)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Generation crafting a new generation

Writing a post after such a long time. It has been two years, anyways things collected, contributed and corrected. In this last two years I have

  • collected a lot of memories, 
  • contributed to other's life and,
  • corrected a lot of my mistakes.

Coming straigth to the content of this post. Today while talking to a friend of mine - we discussed about how each generation gets addicted to the then popular things. Like we had social platforms like orkut at the very beginning and then facebook in starting 2011. At that time we all got hooked into it, me myself got addicted, but today there is no such addiction from my side to use such platform. I guess age do change few things.
Today if we look at people who are at their 20s, they are getting hooked on to mobile games like pubG and other social platform which has emerged lately like tiktok and instagram.

So I guess all such things will keep on coming for different generation, which will grab their attention and get them hooked into it. The major question is what those addiction does to that generation, what is the output at the end?

There was a time when gutkas and biddi were popular among people, then we came who got hooked into social networking platforms (facebook) and then video sharing platform (instagram). Looking at this, somewhere I feel the later generation is the creator of things which the new generation consumes. If it is true, then the biggest question comes forward is what we are creating today which the newer generation will consume!

Pretty interesting - need more content to evaluate this.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Are we consumers or creators?

"Do you have something to share today?"
"Have you created something which you can share on WhatsApp status or on Facebook timeline?"

If one has to ask himself/ herself, how much did (s)he consumed and how much did (s)he created in a day with respect to knowledge we consumed on that particular day then it would be a debatable answer. In today's world we (all of us) love to sit idle and consume content from our cellphone, tablet or computers.
The tools for human productivity is now converting to a tool for distraction.

What we do in a day is either browse through Facebook or watch some videos on Youtube, or read news to increase our knowledge on current affairs or something exciting to compensate our exhaustive day. But the most important question to ask is - whether all these browsing and knowledge consumption is helping to move forward towards your goal?

Oh wait, did I just mentioned 'your goal!'
How did I assumed that you have a goal.

Well there is a purpose for which we all live our day the way we live our day, isn't it?
So, here is the question: Does each day of your life taking you closer to your goal? Think!

Don't worry, if you are getting a mixed response from your head, it's fine, there are people who don't set their goals even and live through their life, happily :-) [no sarcasm]

Now, here is another question: How does one set their goal or more importantly how does one realise that this is my goal?
The true answer is - No One.

Yes, no one who set their goal, are very clear about their goal, but they get a direction through their decided goal and start walking towards it. Practically, all of us at some point of time, very dedicatedly - Set a Goal, then we walk towards it focused and determined. Afterwards, we get distracted. Why!
There are millions of unstructured but highly interesting content which will lure your attention and consume your time and energy. We all fall trap into the addictive algorithms written by Facebook or YouTube to keep our attention hooked into their infinite timeline scroll or the best possible video suggestions respectively, and then we feel guilty afterwards.

Don't fall in the trap of passive entertainment (i.e. doing anything which is fun but does not involves you intellectually or creatively). Here is a short para from an article on passive entertainment:
Look at the passive voice we use when we talk about entertainment nowadays. We are entertained, we like being entertained; we do not entertain ourselves or do exciting, hilarious things that also entertain us. We are largely passive participants in entertainment, while “entertainers” are an elite, select group of professionals who make good money entertaining us, and “entertainment” has come to signify the various mediums through which we consume entertainment – TV, Internet, video games, etc. Entertainment is very much about things being done to and for us, while we lay back and take it all in.
Finally, do your research on this topic and find how you are getting distracted everyday (if you are), choose what you want to ignore, list down what is not adding value to your life or helping you grow, put them on your blacklist and review it once every week. I use Google Keep for that.
If you don't take care of your focus, where you are choosing to put your attention, then that means you are consciously opting to become a victim to this attractive digital world.
"Don't be a consumer only, create something as well, craft out something from your imagination & share with your world". Next time share on WhatsApp's status or on Facebook's timeline, what you created rather than someone else's creation.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

[Story] The boy who had a brave heart, but made a wrong decision.

This story is about a boy who is about to turn 18, from the chaos of the city and honks of the horns, one day he decides to take a path less traveled.. which was into the mountains. He was determined, he wanted to cross those mountains. Without telling anyone, he packed his bag and one morning left towards his destiny.

By the time it was dark, he was lost, he was afraid, he was stumbling and regretting. He thought whether he ran away from the chaos or did he ran into the chaos. All his thoughts were arguing with him for the decision he took. When he reached to the tip of the mountain, he had a look. He found nothing, it was a dump and dark everywhere, he lost the track, he lost the direction, now he was nowhere. Suddenly he slipped and fell a long way down.

When he stood up, he was already in shock.
He was forgetting who he was!
At that very moment, he sang a poem, which came out of his heart. This was his far cry:

I felt lost,
I feel the chaos.
Am I understanding the composition of reality?
Or is it just a mere basked dish cooked by time itself! which I am consuming or made to consume.

Why this noise in head?
Resonating through this darkness and loneliness.

Am I drifting?
or Am I falling!

Destination has shifted or scratched from my timeline.
Floating through the time, I am moving ahead towards a pointless turn.

Will I fall or be stamped by the events of my life?
Is this a long path or I can't see anyone in this dark!

Am I going to find myself or have to create one...


(to be continued)

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Peaceful Castle

"This story is about a young immature boy [young because he needs to learn a lot, immature because he commits mistakes, mistakes which are irreversible]. So now this boy who owns a land, owns a lady (who is a princess for him), owns a castle of mirrors [there is a reason why it's of mirrors]. The story is all about happiness, joy, loss and finding peace."

You tried to build a castle
A castle of mirrors
A castle of memories and emotions

Yes you wanted to have that beautiful fort to keep a princess
The princess which you have earned in this life
You wanted to live this life with her

Castle has to be as beautiful as she is,
(being beautiful is not only external but internal as well)
Or else it won't be comfortable for her, isn't it?
That castle has to be of mirrors,
Transparent and flawless.

You were there, about to finish the castle.
You were there when it was about to complete.
You made sure it gets completed.


Unspoken words,
Unspoken events,
Unspoken deeds.

You were there only,
but not the castle.

It was gone, gone forever.
You saw it going, you saw it disappearing.
It's somewhere where you don't know and can't know as well.

Ohhh, then you thought about the princess you had, yes now you had.
She is not there anymore.
You lost it, lost it in the chaos, the chaos and the tornado created by your own hands.

After all this while, when you were putting so much to build the castle,
you didn't realize that you are not capable of having that princess.
It made you void, it made me numb.

It was no more, there was nothing.
Now there is no winds blowing, no birds chirping.
Sun doesn't rises, moon doesn't glow.
It's just a plan simple barren land and blue sky with me.

I am stuck in this long large land,
It's not dark, there is pale blue light all over.
I can see myself that I am alive.
But all the dreams of the castle and green grassy lands are gone.
Nothing left.
Only the dreamt imaginations and failed wishes.

Is this called a loss or emptiness,
Atleast there is one satisfaction in heart that the princess will be happy somewhere and the castle will be standing somewhere.
Though those are not with me, but it is somewhere.

This fact gives me peace.
This fact gives me completeness.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Poetry #1

You dreamt of a train,
You dreamt of a train.

The only train, you wished to be on.
The train which you thought will take you to the destiny.

You dreamt of that train,
You dreamt of that train.

You planned how you will travel,
You imagined how it will look like from the windows.

You saw yourself being in it,
You smiled when you were crossing mountains and the terranean.

You touched the glass there was the rain,
You saw the rainbow coming out of the clouds.

Green fields and paddy grounds,
All crossed by saying you good bye.

You dreamt of that train,
You dreamt of the paths which were passing by.

All this you saw in your dreams,
So, that you wake up and make it real.

When the morning light came up,
You rushed to the station,
Catching your breathe,
You flashed through the roads.

On reaching there, you saw the train.
It already left, it was already far away.

You dreamt of this train which was already gone!
All the memories and the dreams were shouting in your brain.

You dreamt of this train,
Which you can't catch it again.

You have to see it passing away,
but still you dreamt of this train.

Tears rolled down through the eyes,
It was still raining outside.
Looking the dream pass by,
How will I sleep again and dream again.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...