Monday, October 2, 2017

Am I distracted or not paying attention

There are different channels on YouTube with lots of suggestion coming up on my home screen, I might not want to watch them but I am trapped in those suggestion. There are movies, serials, and now malls with glossy display to lure my attention. There are too many apps or solution to solve the problem which I face. 
When ever I try to download an app, at the very moment there are tones of suggested apps which are asking me to download them as well. Do I even know that I don't need to click on the suggested apps? They are just there to keep gulping my time which I spend on a certain online platform.

Somewhere I feel, "The larger part of my life is connected to internet and electronic devices, including this blog posting, rather than to nature."
All this which is around me is mostly man-made and I fell we creatures are worst in creation. Look at what we have been creating so far, the output of each innovation generates a new problem statement to be solved.
Okay, coming back to normal, there was a time when I liked to watch movies and serials, I use to do movie/ serial marathon, but today? 
I don't like it anymore. 
I have become very much selective now.
I use to get effected by those false creation/ dream sellers whose content were no were related to real world scenarios, though I was enjoying it. 
I see people love to go to a movie hall to entertain themselves by hooking their mind into a false reality on the screen rather than going to a park with their family and feel the grass and air, even I use to do so and still learning how things are getting different and we are loosing the true essence of our being. 
Malls and movie halls are much cleaner than parks, we cannot throw a piece of thrash anywhere in mall but can dump it in a green ground which was crafted by mother earth just for us, expecting that she will take care of it and later we claim it to be dirty and opt out to not go there.

We came from cellphone to green gardens in this post, isn't it, huge different?
Anyway, putting all this aside, I talked about myself, something for you, when was the last time you touched a leaf of a plant with your touch-screen based fingers?

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