Releasing version 0.7.0 which had the 21 days progress bar - that functionality didn't worked well. There was a slight glitch in it. Fixed it after 10 days.
My perception regarding 21 days was like keeping a challenge in-front of the user. But that didn't work. Two reason:
Building this structure will take time.
First thing which I need to incorporate in the app is Tutorial - this will help user to understand what's the purpose of the app and how to use the app. The app with Tutorial version will come to the market on 2nd April 2017.
A new idea which came in my mind today was - Track with your friend. If you and your friend are tracking a same habit or an activity then both can be notified on completing it everyday i.e. when the user mark as done, this will trigger a notification to the friend, asking "your friend marked for today, have you?"
This may encourage friendly competition among two of them and hence will help them achieve the goal or task through surrounding support.
My perception regarding 21 days was like keeping a challenge in-front of the user. But that didn't work. Two reason:
- 21 days should be used to build a habit, not to track something. That's the concept behind it.
- Plus, user don't know how to use the app or are not aware about the purpose of the 21 days functionality in the app.
Building this structure will take time.
First thing which I need to incorporate in the app is Tutorial - this will help user to understand what's the purpose of the app and how to use the app. The app with Tutorial version will come to the market on 2nd April 2017.
A new idea which came in my mind today was - Track with your friend. If you and your friend are tracking a same habit or an activity then both can be notified on completing it everyday i.e. when the user mark as done, this will trigger a notification to the friend, asking "your friend marked for today, have you?"
This may encourage friendly competition among two of them and hence will help them achieve the goal or task through surrounding support.