Thursday, March 30, 2017

Habit Tracker version 0.7.4

Releasing version 0.7.0 which had the 21 days progress bar - that functionality didn't worked well. There was a slight glitch in it. Fixed it after 10 days.
My perception regarding 21 days was like keeping a challenge in-front of the user. But that didn't work. Two reason:
  • 21 days should be used to build a habit, not to track something. That's the concept behind it.
  • Plus, user don't know how to use the app or are not aware about the purpose of the 21 days functionality in the app.
I have decided to break the app in 3 different module. Habit building, Tracking something, & Challenge and Grow ;-)
Building this structure will take time.

First thing which I need to incorporate in the app is Tutorial - this will help user to understand what's the purpose of the app and how to use the app. The app with Tutorial version will come to the market on 2nd April 2017.

A new idea which came in my mind today was - Track with your friend. If you and your friend are tracking a same habit or an activity then both can be notified on completing it everyday i.e. when the user mark as done, this will trigger a notification to the friend, asking "your friend marked for today, have you?"
This may encourage friendly competition among two of them and hence will help them achieve the goal or task through surrounding support.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Losing motivation - next release version 0.7.0

March 17, 9:00 PM:
In the next release I was planning to release notes, one can add some notes while marking yes or no, but I dumped that plan.
Now will be releasing 21 days habit tracking functionality in the app.

March 18, 5:00 PM:
Completely loosing the motivation, why am I working on this app!!!! What is the use of it? Will this app help anyone get better?

March 19, 1:44 AM:
 Finally published the app with the 21 days challenge functionality, the concept behind this is - to adapt any habit one needs to keep doing it consistently for 21 days. Once he/ she achieve this - that means one don't need to be reminded for that habit henceforth.
Using this principle, app will encourage users to achieve the habit which they are tracking for at-least 21 days via push notification and progress bar percentage display.

Glad that even though I lost the motivation in the evening but was able to pull it off by mid-night and complete the functionality. The version 0.7.0 has been deployed and published to the market. Hope user will like it and I am gonna send a push notification asking for feedback as we are running out of motivation. Along with this I will also send a mail to all the users who has registered so far giving them a story to read and encouraging them how to take advantage of the app to achieve their goals (i.e. inculcating new habits or eliminating bad ones)

Moreover, got a chance to talk to other person who can help me with the android app development part for Habit Tracker, I have asked him to take time and put down a duration of from when and till when if possible, don't want to keep loose ends. Hope so he gets ready and multiply the output which I am doing on a weekly basis.

God bless everyone. Peace. :-)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

After a tiring event, getting back to Habit Tracker

On March 14th, night:
Sometimes I think, why habit tracker?
Recently, I was in an event called Jugaadathon, a medical healthcare related hackathon. What I like the most about the event is the way it is being structured and kept forward.

Digging deep in the problem. Understanding why the problem exists, what is the impact of the problem then coming up with solution. This model is one of the helpful way to create a valuable product.

Continuing the same post on March 15th:
Coming back to habit tracking, one of the reason which I learned is user stop using the app after sometime as they loose interest out of it as the same text is being displayed on the notification bar, hence the usage of the app starts declining after few days of installing the app.
There is no on-boarding mechanism in the app as well.
Moreover to take the app to the market, once you have reached to a functional milestone then you can start asking people in your network to download the app and test it. If one doesn't market the app or the product or the services then it is really difficult to expect or set goal of # of downloads within a targeted date.
Today as in 15th March, I want to cross 100 downloads on Playstore, right now it is 72 and I have 47 users registered. By the end of the day I want to acquire 100 users and cross 100 downloads as well. Let's see if that happens.
Just calculating in my mind that do I need to do something in the app before spreading it in the market?
Will try to keep it minimal so that I can start sharing the app with users as soon as possible. This much for now, will update at night where I reached.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Release and the struggle with Habit Tracker version 0.6.0

It's 1:06 AM and few hours back we released the version 0.6.0, notified all the users that a new version is on Playstore, please download and update.
Working full Sunday to implement the functionality which we decided i.e. on click of Not Done, record that as well and mark with a light orange background for that date on calendar.

Now, made those changes along with some other changes. Without testing much, and following any protocol check, built the app and published on playstore.

The movie starts now, at 11 PM, a friend of mine, roommate, informed me about a severe bug! Damn!
It was a core functionality where we mark YES or NO on the notification everyday. On click of YES it was taking no, but NO action was working fine. Tried to think of how to solve it, but couldn't.
It was late and I had to finish off some other important task as well, status mail!!!

At 12 shifted my attention to the other task, in 30 minutes completed it. It was quite late and was feeling exhausted. Thought of going back to sleep and look at this matter tomorrow. Took a break, re-imagined the possible problems which might be happening due to which this issue is coming. At 1 AM, came up with some idea after reading some manuals and tutorials. Tried, tried, tried. It was 1:30 AM and nothing which I was able to achieve.
1:36 AM, bang!!! solved it. Checked through the code if I am missing something, forgetting something, made any changes which I should revert, tested the app twice or thrice, bug was resolved. Phewwww!
Compiled, built and yes something which I missed to revert. Rectified it, 1 line of change, compiled the code again, built it and yessss finally released on Playstore.

Lessons learned:
  • Having a test case and getting it tested before generating a release version.
  • Following a protocol while going or releasing to live, like version code and name is upgraded and all the FIXME block as has been fixed.
  • Once released even, get it tested from couple of near by users, then send a push notification to all your users.
Finally, version 0.6.1 is out there. Khooolll!
It's 2:10 AM, off to sleep.
Good night.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Habit Tracker version 0.5.0 released

This version had very minor changes, UI level changes has been made and also considered some UX point of view as well. Mostly the next version which I am going to roll out will have the essence of taking short notes from the user and even showing the days when he or she missed to do.

Planning is such:
  • v0.6.0 - will also mark when user failed to do the habit on a specific date, to be shown in slight red background on the calendar, to give a visual representation on the month view of calendar at one glance.
  • v0.7.0 - will start asking notes, if user is interested, to go through it by the end of the week or by the end of the month.
  • v0.8.0 - will show a progress bar related to 21 days of continuous habit tracking. This will be the major change and help user to motivate to keep doing the habit which he or she wants to pick up at least for continuous 21 days.
 Along with all these updates coming down the line, minor fixes and upgrades will keep happening. I am not clear about the timeline of these releases, but most probably keep releasing each incremental version every week i.e 1st week of March - v0.6.0, 2nd week - v0.7.0, 3rd week - v0.8.0.

God bless me and give me energy to achieve this and come up with really helpful app to be useful for the customers.

4th round of Habit Tracker Release

After adding Google Sign-in, added the functionality to cloud backup. This 4th version release has given me a huge push to work on the app more and more. As it informs the activity log as how the app is being used and how many users are signing up in the app from different regions.
This reflects that there might be a need for such type of app.

Made the 4th version released in the last week of February, then worked on marketing mail as well sending it to existing users. Though it didn't have any effect on the app download or usage.

Now, what? I am consistently working on the app but the major role is played by the motivation! Looking at the app usage which I thought people would like something like this or there might be a need to track the habit but there isn't such thing. Very less app downloads, very less app usage at the client's end.
I still haven't decoded what's the cutting edge feature which I can give in the app so that it may touch user's attention and they may find a meaning in using the app. I still need to find the why of the app and how it will help.

Though still trying to work on the app and release it at minimal to keep going and pushing to reach somewhere. This initial stage is difficult. 

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...