Friday, January 20, 2017

Baby Steps towards building a habit tracker app

On 19th which is just after the day when I published the 1st version of the app (18th Jan), I released the 2nd version as well with very minor fixes.
Now, every day when I come back from office I think of what new can I add today and release the app to play store.  This is so exciting! small releases, slow and steady increments in functionality.

From two days i.e. 20th and 21st (today) I am learning about Firebase, which is incredibly efficient and fast. It provides both the functionality which I was planning to incorporate in my app (google sign-in and cloud messaging) that also with a very little coding. This way I would be able to bring these features to my app pretty fast.

Sadly, I won't be able to work on the app in next two weeks as I am taking leave. One to go to my native place and other one for GOA!

But after coming back, the release cycle will start again. Everyday I would be planning to release something in the app. Let's see how can I understand customer need and provide a value added functionality in the app.

Best of luck to me! :-D

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Working on Habit Tracker App

Today on 18th January 2017, I finally decided to work on a very minimum viable app with bare minimum functionality and that will have the Habit tracker. From last week I was think to make this but I thought to make it first after learning iconic framework so that I can have an app for every platform, but today when I got to know that those types of apps are very slow due to some FPS rate. Hence finally decided to built in on native platform.

Along with that I gave the target date to publish this app on play store by today itself. Best of luck Vikrant. :-P
More over the devil hacker (which is small in proportion) in me tells me that not to share this information with any one unless you make it popular. Because I read somewhere that when you don't tell about what you are doing then you tend to complete it with speed. I don't know whether it is true or not. Let's see.
  • 8:59 PM - right now when I am typing this particular line.
  • 9:13 PM - and I am downloading latest targeted tool in my Android Studio :-|
  • 9:22 PM - downloaded all the latest SDK and running the demo sample app on my Moto E, hurray. It's done, so far so good.
  • 10:08 PM - checking out calendar library after adding the + (plus) button at the bottom right
  • 10:15 PM - locked which calendar library to use, found it from GitHub and imported it through gradle dependencies and included it to xml layout view, plug and play and it happened, added calendar view to app, only the view yet.
  • 10:36 PM - on click listener implemented on calendar view 
  • 11:52 PM - got really involved with the development, added the functionality to mark that this habit was done for a date. Reset functionality coded but haven't tested yet.
  • 12:35 AM - view trends complete and yes reset working perfectly, now I can go for a version 1 publish now or I may add the marker in calendar and then go for it.
  • 1:56 AM - added dots on calendar dates where habit has been marked as done, changed some display text and colors. Good to go for live. Let's see how much time does that takes?
  • 2:45 AM - generated signed APK and now filling up the publish google playstore form with the name of the app as 'Habit Tracker'
  • 3:17 AM - finally created all the graphics and content which are needed on playstore. Filling up the forms and stuffs right now
  • 3:24 AM - clicked on Publish App button, hurrrrayyyy :-)
Done for the day. Good night.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...