Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Deciding the career path

Lots of thing are going on. I am getting interested in the events which are happening around me. Previously I wasn't able to read newspaper because it use to effect me but now at least I can read news on internet, the ones which I like to read. Recently, I have seen  that in Indian Express app the news are worth reading, they don't post unnecessary  news.

Facebook can be used to get trending news and read lots of useful articles.
Twitter can be used to get an idea of latest happenings.

I have taken up responsibilities at work. Getting older, now I really need to know how to live life so that I may achieve what I want to or for now at least I can say that how to be a quality person in business field.
Should I go for MBA? do I need it or ? I should read some more about this and figure out that should I really take this decision? 

I am good at coding. Moreover I don't want to spend any more money on education. I have already burnt a lot.

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