Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Deciding the career path

Lots of thing are going on. I am getting interested in the events which are happening around me. Previously I wasn't able to read newspaper because it use to effect me but now at least I can read news on internet, the ones which I like to read. Recently, I have seen  that in Indian Express app the news are worth reading, they don't post unnecessary  news.

Facebook can be used to get trending news and read lots of useful articles.
Twitter can be used to get an idea of latest happenings.

I have taken up responsibilities at work. Getting older, now I really need to know how to live life so that I may achieve what I want to or for now at least I can say that how to be a quality person in business field.
Should I go for MBA? do I need it or ? I should read some more about this and figure out that should I really take this decision? 

I am good at coding. Moreover I don't want to spend any more money on education. I have already burnt a lot.

Talks about business and events.

Today I was having conversation with Samip, telling him about the idea that me and Niraj were planning to have a Saturday event kind of once in a month for the startups to validate their idea.
I recalled that there was two events which we tried to organize and was successful in a small scale.
Samip came up with the idea that why not to leave an impression by the time we leave Kolkata. Organize a event in a small scale and make it successful.

I thought "Yes it is possible". Will need to plan out how? as we don't want to make it a big one so that it may not effect our work schedule in any possible way.

We can plan it in the month of September once Samip is back from States.
Name it, "Learn how to hack".

Then on returned back to home, had a conversation with Niraj regarding a product. I need to learn marketing!! representing, showcasing. He said why not to take this ERP product further, why not to sell this software to small to medium scale shops. I don't know what would be the future but if we try to help these small scale businesses to aid them in making more sales and managing their business then I hope we may succeed in making some sales.
  • Sales target: 10. 
  • Cost of the software: 5000 INR.
  • Type of business: Garments, Medicine.
  • Value Prop: Purchase and Sales, Dealers and Customers.
 This Saturday, me Niraj and Anup are going to have a discussion about this. Let's see what comes up.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...