Monday, January 12, 2015

January experience (1st 2 week)

Ya I am not feeling so well. I feel alone and no one with me at this moment. I just work and keep on working as I don't have any other task to do.
I use to like my work, which I am doing but as I keep on doing this stuff then ultimately I will have this dislike growing in my mind as I keep on doing same thing for a long period of time.
I took a break and went for a short trip with friends and really got energized but this was I guess for short period of time as I get stuck in my work I start to feel sick seriously.
We are making this prototype which need to be perfect atleast this much I expect from myself but there are problems each time I start using it I don't feel that much amount of confidence.
 This is the condition I really dislike as I really don't want to deliver a buggy kind of application or a product.
Well this is clear that consulting can even be a product as big companies have ideas and money with them but don't have the technology to execute it, they might to hire people which they don't want to do as what if their idea doesn't work then? So those stuffs can be outsourced and then we can help them create such product/solution (a complete solution) so that they may just need man power to execute it.
Development cost saved, now they have the real object of their idea and hence they can start operating with very limited resources and at limited zones.
This is how things happen in big companies.
We use to think that 4 or 5 people can come together and will try to solve the problem, in the same manner big giant companies even have lots of ideas or solution to wide variety of problems which they want to take a step towards it but can't, hence for them
We, are there...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Delivery of first product at Lattice

Last few weeks I am searching for my productivity, I wake up late, I don't do exercise, I drink black coffee to gain concentration in my work. I tried not coming by bike as it exhausts me a lot. I don't have a schedule. I can't reach any per day goal in my work, actually I don't make any.

By the end of the day I feel bad for not being productive and being very sluggish. All my work is getting delayed and I end up making excuses to protect myself.

I am so much concerned about this nature of mine as because recently few months back I have joined a start-up company. Now when you are working in a newly formed company whose aims are high and the guys who have co-founded it are from the renowned university of the world then it means, you too have to match to their standard or else you will bring their standard down which I really don't want to in any condition.

Now when I am working in this company where I was also concerned before joining them, that what if things doesn't work out then? where I will go ? I was a bit selfish and even I was thinking if we are able to bring projects and deliver it, then for sure the business will run and I will be one of the direct reason to support business.

Here is our first delivery which is very close and I have to work my ass off to match up to the quality of work which they expect and even I am very concerned (as I see from the customer point of view) about the flawless functioning of the product which will deliver to our customer. I really hate to deliver a buggy application (in this case it is the hardware and the software app) to the customer.

I really need to bring some change in me without being concerned about it. I need:

1. Punctuality
2. Discipline
3. Seriousness

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...