Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The nature of Professional Politeness

Yesterday when I was sitting beside Avik Sir, my manager kind of, Chayan da came up to him talking about the meeting, a business meeting. What I learnt from their conversation was that how to talk professionally along with being very generous. As Chayan da is from a very high educational institute hence obviously he knows how to talk and very good in conversation.

The core conversation was, Avik Sir asked about the project document from Chayan da, he said, till now the doc is not done and that is one of the vital stuff in a product. A doc which may act as a manual stuffs and a business proposal document too.

Chayan da said that "it is not so important thought", then instantly "he said that you are very correct yes the document is very vital"

This was the way to make the other person feel nice and expressing that yes I appreciate what you said and I will keep in mind but as I am in a flow of telling and obviously its my mistake that I didn't paid that much attention to the point which you mentioned and then hidden in mind I am finding it hard to accept that I am mistaken, but as you brought it infront of me hence now I wont repeat my mistake.

Learning from Senior Manager

The hell with the project managers. Sometimes its really hard to make them understand that the way or the thing which you are thinking is not a good way. Leave the task to the designer to let him design his imagination. You have to be good at something one. Just don't try to think that you can do everything from designing to developing to excel uploads and database queries to managing. Hell with you. 

Today I am really very much irritated by the guy whom I call Sir who behaves like a manager. Though he is quite good at something like managing things but not good at visualizing stuff. He lake vision and imagination. Every time when you work on UI or UX of any product or website or app, you need to give the designer this task and also communicate with some users to understand who they want to or love to interact with the app.

I am learning, learning to code, learning to behave and also how to manage. Here I need to learn one of the vital thing today never thing yourself as senior. Every guy is good at what he do. You can't just imitate him/her and do his part. Its better to support her as she may lack that vision or knowledge which you are aware of. Try to have a conversation with her rather that imposing her and judging her.

Team will go further if you respect them rather than asking them to respect you by trying to behave like you are bigger in status with them. This Sir (today I really don't want to respect him) is behaving in this manner because he is receiving less amount of respect from others. This makes him annoyed somehow I have noticed this.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...