Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Product Development - Inception

My job is all about developing a product. I have always ran after learning what leads to creating a product basically which will turn to a business i.e. start-up.

From my life history I have been working on multiple product development which has been done by me and my friend 'Anup', but never brought it down to the market. We coded and then it was like what can be the possible revenue stream? Hence we left it, left it all. Never worked or pushed the product in the market. Finally, we were the ultimate user (the developers).

Today I work in a company where I have been indulged in a product development. I am the developer here, Android Developer. Now the first phase of the product has been developed. I know the UI is not that much good as other apps. Might be a lot of things need to be changed but still I see the first version of the app is almost ready.

Now my job, from here is to upgrade the product and check that the app should work perfectly in all the devices. There are hell lot of modification and up-gradation need to be done as I have planned in my head. Though it is me a developer that's why I think all of these technical thoughts.

From few days I am thinking that, now when the product is ready to release, the Alpha version, hence the marketing team will use some methodology to spread the app in the market. I really need and want and waiting to learn all the methods and implementation ways.

I am also scared about what would be the customer feed back from the app, I hope it should not get unresponsive or hang while using.

I will make a whole big list and check from all the perspective that user may go through while using this app.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Settled Life Going On

Few days a back I realized what all the heck of the stuffs which I like or even love to do. One of them was writing. Yup :) writing, but the sad thing is I am not that much good i English hence I can't publish my writings. That's why I basically write privately in my blog. More over why I write just to express myself in words, this is also a prior reason.

I am not cared about somebody reading my blogs and then if he or she can think what ever they may, they are free too. ;) but I like you, why? you gave me few seconds of your life to my words. :)

We all are human angels, we just need to have reasons to love each other.

Life is running and calm too. Sometimes its not that much pleasant and sometimes its so soothing. What would be my life purpose? I don't think so its pre-determined. Its upon me what I want to make my life!

I can choose to have a desire to earn lots and lots of money and then become rich, or I can take another path where money is not that much important though. Its all on me!

But I need to have a dream, I like to feel the emotions and love, passions and compassion. I really like to understand the deeper meaning of spiritualism and meta-physical world. I like psychology, human and living beings behavior and all. I really like to study all those. I feel like I don't have to put extra efforts will catching the patterns and behaviors of other beings. Doing analysis on it. But I can't pursue this as my career as because their is no money in it. I may have satisfaction that I am loving to work but not getting enough currency to support and sustain a prosperous life. I may have to afford for my living, it may happen though.

On the other side, I like to develop too, writing code and implementing logic. This have a nice future if I give effort on it though. I really love to create products and flaunting its usability in front of the real users who need those apps (as I am an Android Developer). I am really trying to catch the knowledge of product life-cycle from the conceptual idea to development and then till the sales and marketing. I really crave for learning all this stuff.

Huge turning

A lot of things has happened in these months.

I left my job the first one on 9th Jan and then went through multiple series of changes like going to Kharagpur IIT event and then making a friend there.
Next week that friend called me up and asked me to accompany him to an event in Kolkata. I went there worked on an idea and vollah, me and Anup did it. We made it.
After few weeks I got a call from the Glocal where that event took place. The guy who called me was the one whom I interacted the most in the event. He asked me that we need some help in android development, on visiting that place he asked me to join the company.

I was shocked and was blank thinking of what to do!! He handed me the offer letter then and there. I was literally very much OMG. I came home showed it to my Parents. They said you may choose what ever you want to do.

It wasn't an IT company but I never wanted to work on project basis. I wanted to work on a product, trying to understand the flow and the product initiation how to do what and all.

But the only thought which kept pushing me behind was that Anup will feel bad that I didn't took him here. I took one whole day and thought and kept on thinking. Finally I decided I will take the job, I never wanted to do any favor on Anup. He is much more skillful and expertise than me, if I ever did any favor then his esteem will be lowered. Along with this thought I know that working there won't be that much comfortable as they are a company and they will ask for a time dependent result and me not so much strong in Android, hence evryday I have to learn and implement on the live product.

I can't bear the cost of loosing a day and not learning. This was the constraint but I took the challenge knowing that I may be asked to leave the company if I didn't worked well.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...