Sunday, June 18, 2017

Preparing the path to uncertainity

Soon I will be leaving my job to start something new in my life. Yes that's exciting as well as daunting too. Previously I was financially dependent on someone else now I have to take responsibility of my own income.
Throughout these years when I have been frustrated about not being able to make it through with an idea, now is the time when I am taking a full on complete risk to work on this venture, name: ReCoin Lab

This is a whole and sole try to entirely change the foundation of human grow in our civilized society i.e. education system. Every child goes through it, learn from it and that's where he or she get her nature shaped into.

While talking about today's education system, it's really lame and outdated, now there are a lot different sources from where a student gets to learn. Online courses, information on Facebook, video tutorials on YouTube, and etc. Lots of things are there. Now what content one needs to curate to, has become a huge question out there. One can either evolve or may get completely distracted using these information, the only thing which matters is where is the attention.

What is my vision is to convert the present way of learning i.e. where we make students sit in a closed room and expect them to be creative to making things happen in practical world and then helping them to learn, which is learning by doing.
One can understand a topic only when there is a curiosity in him or her, without actually giving a real world taste how can we generate curiosity in someone's mind!
Once this curiosity is being created, then reading about the topic, gaining theoretical knowledge will help them connect the dots.
Creating the dots is hardly done through sentences (i.e. theoretical knowledge), the impact comes from real world objects, hence practical exposure should come first and that's what ReCoin will do, flip the coin.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...