Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Who's life are you living?

What is the framework of life which has been taught to you or specifically saying what have you chosen to learn out of all the events or lesson taught by the fate?

Q: Why start a post with a question?
So that I can give a direction to your thoughts and skepticism as you are going to relate this blog post with your life and then judge this post. Now this doesn't mean I don't want you to judge, sure do, it will improve my perspective and quality of thoughts.

Back to the question, who's life are you living? In today's world, most of us compare our self with the achievers, like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ellon Musk. Yes, we do when we come to know about them for the first time and get fascinated. The question which comes to our head, as it has became a universal question in this scenario, is "They were working their ass off and achieve things even when they were at the age of me at this point, what have I achieved?" and get sad enough to give up on what we were working on and have achieved or accomplished so far.

Q: Why do we do that?
Human nature. We focus on negative side more than on the positive part, we as humans have the tendency to think all the possibilities to fight with different kind of scenarios which may come in front of us, this way we prepare ourself for each and every situation. This is how our ancestors survived and thus we are alive.

But, todays world is mentally more challenging in comparision to previous age. Today we have anxiety disorder, worry about same thing in an infinite loop of thought unless it pass on, have attention deficiency sydrome without being aware of it.

Then, how come They have become achievers and you haven't or doubt that you will. They did what they loved and were fixed to their GOAL. Are you? Yes, obviously you are. If so, lets quantify..

So, which direction are we flowing towards? Apart from all the digital mess which is around us today, all the unchosen chaos residing in the head of each individual including our self, have we took time to ask ourself before consuming any maturely written content, which is meant to be marketed well rather than create value in the mind of readers, and without judging it whether this is related to your goal, aaahhhh your goal!!! let's cut the train of thoughts here and focus on one thing,

"What is your GOAL?"

Have you even written it down some where, either on a piece of paper or on your journal? Because after that only you can sketch the path towards it and hence chose what comes in your path, which article should be read to influence you so that it may direct you or motivate you towards your GOAL.

Hence, decide your GOAL, don't just make a mental note of it, write it down and read at certain intervals to keep you focused.

Last thought which I want to leave with you is, before reading any article or consuming any post on Facebook or watching any video on YouTube, ask yourself does this fall on your path or is it just a lucrative content which attracts the lost souls who haven't chosen the direction of their life.

Next blog post: How big companies are using internet as a platform to suck your time to make their own profits? Ethical or not, no one is mature enough to judge that, will you try even?

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...