Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Time vs Productivity

I don't have time!
I thought I will work on an App and make it to the play store, a decent and workable app which will let user engage with it every day for a minute and provide an insight into their lifestyle related to how active it is?

I did hire interns (two) and started the virtual internship and here I am not able to start with the task completion and achieve any milestone, not even a single step.
I got busy with office work and also got overburden by the work.

Now I guess this might happen with any guy who is working and had taken responsibilities  at office but still has the fire to do something of its own.

So, here is the list of things which I started, All of this started in the month of May:

  1. Huge workload at the office got to complete tasks as well as with tight deadline.
  2. At the same time, I thought I will hire two virtual interns and ask them to work on the project which I wanted to work since last year. Hired them but then before doing all this I have to prepare the scope of the project, functionalities documents as well as project roadmap (with milestones and timeline). I failed to do this and as a result, I am not able to coordinate with them every day and give them the task for the next day.
  3. Along with this, I started running and doing exercise in the morning as well which makes me exhausted by the evening and hence I can't work on anything when I return to home after office.

Possible reason I am failing:

  • I am unable to work in the afternoon, feel drowsy and procrastinate. I guess my productivity cycle is in the morning (8 to 12 or 1) and then in the evening (5 to 9).
  • Either I open up YouTube to watch Justice League videos ( a new trend in me) or I open up Facebook. One as never ending suggestive videos algorithm and the other has an infinite scroll with relevant content which the user will like to read. Both of the algorithm as written to keep engaging the user and trap him/her. I have become the victim of it.
  • When lots of people are in the office, they talk and this distracts me from working that's why when I am alone in the office or with very fewer people then the productivity goes higher. I can accomplish more stuff.

Goals - long term vs short term rewards

 I guess it has started to be clear now that it's the goal which drives a person or else he or she may fall in the grip of the activitie...